Tuesday, August 28, 2007

catching up... Week Two

Mom came up to see her first grandchild (and take care of me too). They got along smashingly - look they even coordinated their outfits!

Tessa with her two great grandmas!!
We got to do some relaxing in the yard after everyone left.

We even took a day trip to Montpelier! Here we are resting up at the park.

Friday, August 24, 2007

catching up... Week One

The night I went into labor (about 24 hours before Tessa was born)...

Pizza dinner and a Hoegaarden to calm the nerves. I had no idea what was coming to me.

Our first dinner home with little girl. Same house, same setup just add a brand new perfect person, bunches of beautiful flowers, a little less sleep and a new meaning to the word happiness.
We had salad compliments of Elements and an amazing creamy pesto pasta dish by Chef Jason. Tessa had a very local unpasteurized breast milk she seemed to enjoy.

The first few nights were pretty hard; an hour sleeping, an hour nursing but we had a very pleasant first few days at home just the three of us (well, four, sorry Percy). Jason made fabulous dinners and waited on me hand and foot. Umm, honey? Could you go down to Brooks and get me that nipple cream? Thanks.....

Then outside help arrived! We got some good support from people who know. Tessa's aunt and uncle relieved our fears and brought us good nourishment while her big cousin Lukas kept an eye on her at the Littleton farmer's market. It was our first big trip out into the world as a family and all went smoothly until I discovered her diaper rash and lost my mind thinking I was the Worst Mother in the World already.

Granny J took her shift and cooked and cleaned and cooked some more. Good times were had by all as the celebration continued on. We were excited to introduce Tessa into this good world by surrounding her with family, friends, good tunes and of course the fragrance of great food.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

these days...

Life is just flying by. In a good but bittersweet way. In an incredibly beautiful way that time has never passed for me before but already with a hint of longing for these minutes to stretch just a little further. It's 2 pm. So far today I've managed to take a shower, get dressed, eat breakfast and mow about 10 square feet of lawn. Just add nurse and change Tess in between each one of those basic daily tasks and you have my past three hours. And I love it. I have books and magazines piled up to read during the hours a day I spend feeding her but I've yet to finish one article. I just stare and stare knowing I'm witnessing her grow and change without being able to understand or really see it. Writing just this has taken 42 minutes already. She's been on my lap as I rock her and type a sentence one handed then break to breathe her in for a few minutes more.

So, as well intentioned as I am to continue internet journaling this time with her it's going to take me a while. I haven't even started to write down her birth story and it's been over two weeks! This might turn into more of a week by week photo journal. Just one way to try and track these days I'm reluctantly letting go by.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A Week and A Day

I guess I forgot to post all the details so....

Tessa Cairn was born!

Monday August 6th

at 6:45 pm

weighed 8lbs 6oz

measured 20" long

Her eyes are a deep midnight blue, her hair ashy blonde, her feet and hands long and thin. Every night she seems to sleep in longer stretches - yay! Last night she slept for 4 1/2 hours! Jason actually woke me up before she did! We're typical nervous new parents but we've only called the pediatrician once. When she sleeps we worry she's sleeping too much and when she's awake we're worried she's not sleeping enough. Most of yesterday we spent trying to passively keep her awake but she's pretty determined to sleep when she wants to. Nursing has gotten progressively better to the point I don't even wince when she latches on any more. When she's not sleeping or eating she's usually in a state of active quiet consumption of the world around her. She's highly attracted to natural light and the polka dots on the blanket in her bassinette. She seems only to get really upset when we change her but not always.

Hands down she's the single most incredible thing I've ever seen in this world and if there's anything that's made me think there's such thing as soul or spirit it's her. So, yes, we're all happy and healthy here. Doing great with the support of our family and friends. Our birth story is still getting worked out but I'll be sure to post it when we figure out what happened and in what order (warning: it's a long one).

Thursday, August 9, 2007