Thursday, February 8, 2007

I'm Off

I'm off to my second shift of work for the day but before I go I wanted to drop a line or two. Making lists always makes me happy and although I'm already in a decently good mood I thought I'd make one strange, not so happy list. So...

Things that have disappointed me this past week:

*Miles Davis abused women. (Maybe this is common knowledge but it shocked me and I feel a little icky now listening to his beautiful music)

*People in the restaurant business don't neccessarily live by the secret code of politeness and respect for fellow restaurant workers. i.e. Don't show up to eat at any restaurant at closing time and act like no one else in the place has anywhere else to be.

*I don't change the station when 'If I Had a Million Dollars' by the Barenaked Ladies comes on the radio.

*And... I actually sing to 'If I Had a Million Dollars'.

Now I'm late to work. Ah, well. What are they going to do? Fire a pregnant woman? Just kidding! I'm going. Quickly.


MLB said...

I was just “next blogging” around and found your site. We have two things in common. One is apparent by just looking at the blog. The other is clear once you look back to my blog post from late November.


MLB said...

Oh wait. My photos are from the North West.

I am alover of New England, living in TX.

Traveling over mountains in Oregon...